Yesterday, My dad and I went hunting on Grandma's property. My dad pointed out a rabbit to me and I shot it with 1 shot. Grandpa taught me how to gut and skin it. Grandma cooked the meat and I got to eat it. I shared some with the dogs.
This morning, my dad and I mowed Uncle Kyle's yard. My dad hit a rock with the weed wacker and broke a window. It was so hot outside. The yard looks nice now and I only owe $40.00 more for my new backpack.
Tonight while my mom and dad went on their date, I went to my cousins and palyed games on their wii system and then watched High School Musical 2 on TV.
My aunt Kathy had her baby. Josslyn Grace Nuttall was born August 15, 2007 at 12:34am. She weighs 7 pounds and 9 ounces and is 19 inches long. Kathy is doing fine. Josslyn is having some minor medical issues and will be staying at the hospital for a few days for observation.